Image of the project

Home Pages

My own portfolio

This website you are currently on! Aim was to learn new technologies (Typescript, NextJS, TailwindCSS) and finally create some sort of a portfolio.
I have used CSR with React before (CRA), so I wanted to learn and utilize SSR and SSG via NextJS. Popular TailwindCSS was default CSS framework for NextJS. Typescript was long due to be learned, since JS and static typing are both to my liking.
NextJS is developed by Vercel, so it was a no-brainer to host the site on their service. They have also great deployment and preview integration with Github which is nice.
Image of the project

NMKSV Website

Website for student organization

This project was done within the organization with a group of people. It was created to provide information about the organization but to also provide means for different actions, such as membership selection.
Originally this was supposed to be small scale app with minimal data handling, so we chose React for UI and CouchDB for DB. React allowed for fast development via CRA + templates and CouchDB was supposed to contain API within itself. NoSQL also suited better for our small data model.
Eventually project scope blew up and we created separate API using NodeJS and Express. The site is hosted on Digital Ocean Droplet.
Material UI
Image of the project

Polar Extension

Polar data comparing and visualization

I enjoy running, and I wanted to compare my runs and see my progress within them. I measure my runs with Polar equipment so I get the data by using Polar's API. This project consists of frontend and backend, and maybe in future also mobile.
The backend is used to firstly load data using Polar API via webhook to MongoDB database. The data can then be interacted with using my backend REST API. I chose MongoDB because I like it. NodeJS I chose for familiarity and simplicity.
The frontend is made with Angular and Sass. I enjoy Javascript so I wanted to expand my knowledge within it's frameworks. Angular works well with Sass so I wanted to learn it at the same time.
This project is under development!
Image of the project

Home Automation

Home automation infrastructure

Home automation system is a practical project, that is in every day use. I wanted to have it self hosted but with easy-to-use template and good customization.
Openhab allows for wide integration with different products. My current setup consists of smart lights, plugs and custom projects, such as the Climate Meter.
Big part of home automation is the automation itself. Google assistant integration allows voice control of components. Best automated tasks that I've created are balcony light that go on/off depending on astral events and coffee maker that goes on when my phone's alarm rings.
Raspberry PI
Google Assistant
Image of the project

Climate Meter

Room temperature & humidity measuring

I had NodeMCU board and DHT11 module lying around at home so I decided to create this meter to be connected to my home automation system. This project itself has no automation in it.
This meter measures temperature and humidity using given interval and sends the data with date time and status to MQTT queues. The Mosquitto MQTT broker is hosted on the home automation RPi and it connects to the Openhab system providing sent data to it.
The project would be perfect with some packaging but the raw prototype look of circuit board with all components is also kinda cool although a bit unpractical.
Arduino IDE
Image of the project

EsIsku Website

Website for volleyball organization

This project was designed within the organization with few people and then created by me. It was created to provide information about the organization, it's teams, events and other news.
The website was created using Wordpress with plugins, hosted on Hostinger service. Graphical interface with WYSIWYG editors provided a low-code solution which can easily be maintained by other, not so technical, people.